For decades, the maxim “leave your personal problems outside the company” prevailed in offices. Despite going against human nature, the effort to comply with such a rule was seen as a sign of professionalism, competence and self-control. But times have changed. If, on the one hand, technological evolution and the “coldness” of machines have become part of the day-to-day business, on the other hand, the appreciation of empathy and attention to emotional influence in the corporate environment have become part of the routine work of companies. Human Resources teams. Understanding the impacts of mourning, whether it be a person dear to the employee or the employee himself, is now a differential in a healthy professional environment.

When a co-worker leaves

The experience of dealing with the death of a team member is individual and depends on factors such as degrees of closeness and intimacy, life history in relation to losses, mental health and support network. In addition, it is considered that the loss for those who remain is not only physical, but also symbolic: the representation of the role that that person played in the routine of their colleagues, in tasks performed together, or even in moments of relaxation, such as happy hours, meetings on commemorative dates, among other moments that will leave good memories.

When an employee loses a loved one

In this case, the impact on the professional environment can begin before the actual mourning, when, for example, the employee has to deal with the serious illness of a loved one while trying to maintain the normality of his routine. For situations like this, it is recommended that the Human Resources sector and Management be informed, as there is even the possibility that the employee needs to be absent. Another type of grief is that which comes from sudden death, caused, for example, by an accident. The turmoil of emotions inherent in the loss is joined by the state of shock due to an unexpected breakup. It must be said that, regardless of how death occurs, work is part of the human condition and, as such, is susceptible to events in personal life. This means that grief can alter functions, causing discouragement for occupational activities, difficulty in maintaining working life and, as a consequence, low self-esteem.

How to welcome the collaborator in such a delicate moment

Love, empathy and compassion are very important pillars so that reception is done in a sensitive way to prevent pain from being enhanced. Here are some hosting tips: 1) Highlight someone from the company who is close to the bereaved person to provide all the necessary support, in love. 2) Sending messages by leadership and colleagues showing care and love, this will make the employee not feel alone. 3)     Sending a wreath on behalf of the company and the entire team is an act of affection. 4)    Send representatives, people closest to you and the manager himself, to be   physically present during the wake. 5) It is very important for companies to reserve a space for colleagues to watch the wake virtually, for those who cannot attend in person. This action will make all the difference, the employee will feel welcomed, special and loved. In this way, everyone will be able to express their solidarity sensibly. Actions like these collaborate in a lot for the elaboration of mourning and in the redefinition of such a significant loss. Understanding, accepting the stages and cycles of human life is essential for corporate environments to become increasingly humanized. “Each time technology advances, human beings must advance in their humanization, be more human”. (Ronald Stop) Research source: Best Tributes Adaptation: Stael Veiga

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