What is Purpose? Dictionary definition: intention to do something, project, design. True meaning: visceral desire that we feel to accomplish, to achieve something in favor of a positive transformation, whatever it may be. It was believed that purpose was intended for special people, such as: Nelson Mandela, Billy Grand, among others. They are people who came with a specific purpose of understanding and raising awareness of human beings, spreading unity and respecting individual differences. The question is; we too are “special” and have a purpose in life. We are intelligent, divine, finite beings. We are not here by chance. And in that case, if you don’t believe that, that’s okay, it depends on your belief. We may not be here tomorrow, and when we realize that, it’s important to try to be better people, make a difference in other people’s lives, cause positive changes in what moves us, wherever we go. Having a purpose in life is having clarity of your why, which way to go, and where you want to go. There are people who are still asleep, they haven’t woken up for their purpose. All life goes by and a group of people are watching. The landscape is our life. Which landscape are you actually watching? If we were to think straight we could say: Wait, why do I want to go down! This is a reaction from someone who is tired of being a spectator, who doesn’t want to be a supporting player in their story, but a protagonist. Many will still prefer to stay in the vegetative state, and that’s okay too, no problem. Time will pass and up front, some feelings of regret may surface. So the time to meet is now! When we open our hearts to understand the purpose, everything around us transforms, for the better, of course. We discover our talent and what motivates us every day. If I don’t recognize myself in what I do, life loses its meaning, that’s why we live dissatisfied. We can’t realize ourselves because we are stuck unconsciously. Fulfilling the purpose, inspiring people, requires more than motivating words and eloquent speeches. It requires simple and common people, driven by a burning desire. Be passionate about what you set out to do. “Whoever has a purpose, whether in any area of life, does not negotiate for proposals, whatever they may be”. Then I ask: What moves you? What is your cause? What is the motivation that makes you get up every morning with a sparkle in your eyes and drives you to do something that makes you happy and consequently changes the lives of those around you? If you haven’t yet connected with your purpose, be aware of the signs emitted during your professional, personal or spiritual path. You may be in the process of preparing to live your purpose. For reflection: “If your purpose is just to make money, don’t suffer. That’s it and that’s it. If you are going to fulfill yourself, have an authorial perception, get recognition, then this is the wrong place and craft. Money, recognition is a consequence. It is the harvest of the seeds that are being planted in the course of the process”. (Mario Sergio Cortella). Let’s think about it! Text written by Stael Veiga

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